The first three times the answer was still the same but his
master sent him again.
Four, five and six.
He ran out to the overlook and yet the same thing…nothing was happening.
You wonder if the servant thought his master had gotten it
wrong. It had not rained in years and
the sky was void of clouds but now his master had said he heard the sound of
abundance of rain. Once again for the
seventh time, Elijah told his servant to go look toward the sea.
This time
something was different. There was a cloud as small as a man’s hand, rising out
of the sea. (1 Kings 18:41-46)
Seven times he sent his servant out to seek God’s movement.
Six times the answer was no but on that seventh trip things changed.
We can
learn so much from Elijah about expecting God and His movement. Elijah prayed
for the fulfillment of his request earnestly.
He didn't give up the first few times that the servant returned with a
negative answer. He remained diligent. Elijah believed that his prayer was answered
before the answer came. WOW! What faith!
Friend, have you given up on an answer from God?
What if the servant said he wouldn't go out
to look after the third time? Would he
have missed the miracle of seeing God’s movement?
The same goes for many others that are documented in God’s
What if the Israelites didn't leave Egypt? Would they have missed the
parting of the Red Sea?
What if they
only marched around the city of Jericho five times? Would they have missed the
walls come tumbling down?
What if the Apostles refused to return to Jerusalem
after Jesus ascended into Heaven? Would they have missed the movement of the
Holy Spirit?
James 5: 16-18
states: “…The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah
was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not
rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he
prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.”
One of my favorite parts about this story of Elijah is when
the servant reported the cloud he girded up his clothes and took off
running. He knew what was about to
happen….the rains were coming and come they did.
If you are waiting for a movement of God, I implore you to
not give up. Take on a posture of
prayer, seek and expect God to move.
Start looking for that one small cloud.
It is coming my friend, it you don’t lose heart.
Expect God’s movements.
Pray! Look! And the DO!
Father, retrain our eyes to look for even the smallest signs
of your movement. Help us to be so
diligent in our prayers that we have the confidence in your power before you
even move.