Monday, September 12, 2011

An Invitation

                                 Cooking…homework…rushing to events.

Have you ever longed to get away?
To leave the rush of the world behind and meet God?

Have you ever had that prompting in your heart to go to the quiet place of a church and just spend time with El Shaddai?

Maybe while visiting at a hospital you walk by the Chapel and can almost feel a physical pull inviting you in to spend time with Jehovah Rapha.

How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
I long, yes, I faint with longing
To enter the courts of the LORD.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
Even the sparrow finds a home,
And the swallow builds her nest and raises her young
At a place near your altar.
O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, my King and God!
What joy for those who can live in your house,
Always singing your praises.
Psalm 84:1-4

This is the scripture that has been inviting me into His Presence.  Oh how I long to enter the courts of the LORD with my whole being, body and soul.  Although we don’t have to go to a dwelling place since He lives within the hearts of His children, that invitation is always calling out to us.  Beckoning us to come into His house, worship with other believers, encourage one another to sing of His praises and to dig into His love letter.

Psalm 84 is inviting me to dig deeper into His promises and shout joyfully with other Christ followers.  Over the next few post we will dig into the rich soil of this passage feeling the textures of hope with our fingers and our heart. 

Are you hearing His invitation? 
Will you join me?

Stepping from the shadows!



  1. Yeah!! You are here and up and running. Can't wait to dig through Scripture with you. Love the idea of accepting God's invitation. And by the way, the phrase "feeling the textures of hope" -- AMAZING. Love you!!

  2. In this last year, I've been on pause with Jesus like never before. It's been one of the sweetest, most intimate seasons I've ever known in my spiritual journey.

    Keep to it sister. Take that pause; stop in that chapel. Be comforted with the presence of the Lord.


  3. Thank you Wendy and Elaine for your encouragement! You are both amazing women of God and I can't wait to journey with you!
